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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Business News --- AT&T to Cut Unlimited Data Plan


Multisource political news, world news, and entertainment news analysis by Newsy.com

AT&T announced it will be doing away with its unlimited data plans for iPhones and iPads. This will affect new subscribers after June 6.

Joe Wilcox, a writer for BetaNews, calls the move "sleazy." He says the timing was deliberate with the new iPhone coming out at the end of June and other changes being announced by AT&T.

"AT&T announcing data caps the day after raising smartphone early termination fees from $175 to $325. Customers looking for better data plans but still under contract would be less likely to jump to another carrier."

But an LA Times article says iPhone and iPad users were going to "bring Apple to its knees" if unlimited data plans weren't reined in.

"Industry analysts say it's only a matter of time before other mobile service providers follow suit, bringing an end to the days of all-you-can-eat data plans for smart phones and other mobile Internet-connected devices that use cell data networks."

But on The Wall Street Journal's Digits, Spencer Ante says AT&T is looking to the future, when 2GB of data is nothing.

"A few years from now, this whole universe is going to be completely different. People are going to be downloading apps all over the place, they're going to be streaming video. That 2GB threshold is going to actually probably seem kind of low in a few years from now. That's I think the concern of people thinking out of the future, that it might be more expensive than cheaper, which is what AT&T is saying today."

So, what do you think of AT&T's latest move? Money hungry? Or just smart business?

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