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Friday, November 26, 2010

G12 vs Canon S95 // E-PL1 // NEX-5

Gillmor Gang 11.25.10 (TCTV)

The Gillmor Gang almost didn’t happen today, as technical problems tormented the hastily assembled pre-holiday hoedown. Will Kinect save Microsoft? No, says Robert Scoble. Will Facebook and Apple destroy our freedom as they capture our identities and lock us behind a pay wall of our own choosing? Yes, says identity leader Dick Hardt. Gillmor had other ideas, but spent much of his time below decks trying to wrangle Kevin Marks’ up and down Skype connection. This is a long show, about as long as it takes to set up Apple TV and the new iOS version 4.2 on a chain of iDevices, but in the end something about it works. Enjoy while you’re waiting for the turkey to cook, and a Happy Thanksgiving from the Gang.

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Halo Reach jetpack Spartan in Trafalgar Square

On the eve of Halo Reach launch

This House Would Prefer Money to Free Elections

More at The Real News

November 25, 2010

This House Would Prefer Money to Free Elections

The Doha Debates ask whether people prefer to make money and leave politics to the elite