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Thursday, October 28, 2010

MyCityWay gives you a tour around NY

Are you visiting New York soon? You'll want to put MyCityWay on your mobile device. Why? Watch the video and you'll meet the team and see all the information it brings to your fingertips.


研究報告(連結為PDF下載)指出,68%的美國人有離線焦慮症(disconnection anxiety)。不分年齡層,只要沒上網、沒收到email,就頭腦昏昏、焦慮、緊張、無法滿足,甚至出現恐慌、歇斯底里的狀態。



離不開網路嗎?之前有人推一天不上網(Shutdown Day)活動。現在更推動,一年52天不上網(一週安排一天絕不上網)。不上網的這天,要好好看書、親子互動、用筆寫信、畫畫、跳舞、戶外活動...。



After 3 Years In Stealth And $20 Million Raised, Aro Mobile Shows Some Skin — Some Android Skin. And We Have Invites.

So what is Aro? Currently, it’s a piece of software that runs on top of Google’s mobile Android OS. But it’s not just another layer like some of those awful skins that OEMs design for Android. Instead, it weaves itself into the OS and uses AI and machine intelligence to make sense of what you’re doing with your phone. It natively ties into your email, phone, calendar, address book, and browser to make them potentially much more useful to you when you’re on the go.

Video: Spaceport America Inaugurated By Virgin Galactic’s VSS Enterprise

Among the many things about living in the year 2010 that blow my mind (robot vacuums, smartphones, Google Books), the fact that we are at the beginning of commercial space flight is, incredibly, not constantly on my mind. Yet advances are constantly being made, most visibly by Virgin Galactic, which just this last week inaugurated the commercial facility for vertically- and horizontally-launching aircraft. I mean spacecraft. I’m not sure I’ll ever get used to saying that.

Spaceport America, in addition to having a snazzy logo, sports training facilities for Virgin Galactic pilots spacemen, a 10,000ft runway, and will serve as Virgin Galactic’s headquarters for the next two decades. Want to visit? Good luck with that — you should probably just watch this video.