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Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Smule Makes More Magic: Magic Piano Fans, Meet Magic Fiddle

Coro Health

Coro Health’s technology adapts to the resident and can deliver content anywhere throughout a facility. The system provides customizable audio hardware for all levels of patient needs including speakers, pillow speakers, headphones and adjustable volume control, and can play content according to a pre-determined schedule or on-demand as needed for therapeutic purposes.

Automated updates keep the media current and appealing, while caregivers can easily adjust content, times and delivery location (individual or group areas), or provide feedback directly to a resident’s therapist to make modifications as needs and situations change. Prescriptions are developed by a team of board-certified music therapists and music and media designers with content tailored to an individual’s schedule, needs and preferences, in conjunction with their existing plan of care.

Seth Godin on social networking.

Godin describes the value for businesses.

Believe It Or Not: Plug In America’s Electric Vehicle Hype Campaign

Believe It Or Not: Plug In America’s Electric Vehicle Hype Campaign

Here comes another spoof on the Mac vs. PC ad campaign, this one promoting electric vehicles over combustion engines. Plug In America, an advocacy organization that wants to reduce the United States’ dependence on petroleum, created the electric vehicle hype spots and calls them public service announcements.

The Women's Conference 2010TWC-Tue-Conversation: When Women Lead

Watch live streaming video from twc2010 at livestream.com

The Women's Conference 2010

The Women's Conference 2010
The Nation's Premier Forum for Women October 24-26, 2010

Watch live streaming video from twc2010 at livestream.com

The power of nature

1960's BTF Film

1960's BTF Film
- Watch more Videos at Vodpod.

British Transport Films was an organisation set up in 1949 to make documentary films on the general subject of British transport. Its work included internal training films, travelogues (extolling the virtues of places that could be visited via the British transport system - mostly by rail), and "industrial films" (as they were called) promoting the progress of Britain's railway network.
It was headed by Edgar Anstey until 1974, and from then until its demise by John W. Shepherd. Initially it made films mostly for the British Transport Commission, but after that organisation was broken up in 1963 the majority of its films were for the British Railways Board. However it also made films for London Transport, the British Waterways Board, the travel company Thomas Cook and the coach company Thomas Tilling.

Premiere of the One daily web show by Next New Networks, appearing on AOL.com daily.

A new "social" browser: RockMelt

RockMelt is a new browser, made for people who live on social sites like Facebook and Twitter. Here's the interview I had Friday with the founders.

A new "social" browser: RockMelt

First look at Twezr, really great social contacts for iPhone.

Yves Smith - interviewed

Yves Smith - "Why Are We Rewarding Failure?"

US author Yves Smith spoke with RT about the cover-ups that went on leading up to and during the economic crisis, the real secrets of the crooks on Wall Street, and the doom and gloom of the future of America's economy. Yves Smith of nakedcapitalism.com and author of "Econned: How Unenlightened Self Interest Undermined Democracy and Corrupted Capitalism" told RT that there seems to be a big disconnect between sentiment in Washington and New York and the rest of the country. "Something like over 60% of the policy makers in Washington think the country is on the right track. Over 70% in America as a whole think it is on the wrong track," she said.

Yves Smith: Naked Capitalism, Sterling and Econned

Creator of the Naked Capitalism blog and author of Econned Yves Smith tells
Robert Miller why economists bear much of the blame for the credit crisis
and why the UK would be better off if sterling were devalued.