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Thursday, August 05, 2010

Rethink Salad Dressing.

1. Rethink Salad Dressing. Dr. Fuhrman explains that the fat we eat goes directly to our waistlines–and that includes the “healthy” fat in olive oil-based salad dressings. However, a salad dressing that is high in fiber and nutrients will be more filling and prevent fat storage.

2. Reduce Fruit Juice. Even though the sugar in juices are natural, juice is lower in fiber than fruit and less nutrient-filled. Instead of drinking juice, Dr. Fuhrman recommends using it in small portions to flavor dressings and sauces.

3. Go Raw. Some nutritionists say that vegetables must be cooked and prepared with some fat in order for nutrients to be absorbed. Dr. Fuhrman explains that this isn’t true. He recommends eating four whole fruits and several large, raw salads every day. Not only do raw vegetables help prevent cancer, but they also contain enzymes that prevent digestive diseases. Start thinking of salad as a main dish.

4. Follow the 90 percent rule. Many diets emphasize the importance of lean meats that are high in protein. But Dr. Fuhrman notes that plant foods have more protein than we think. Dr. Fuhrman recommends that only 10 percent of what you eat is a processed food or animal product. If the other 90 percent is coming from unrefined plant foods, you can eat as much as you want without fear of disease or obesity. Ready to Eat to Live? Dr. Fuhrman’s Vook has videos, recipes and more guidelines to help you lose weight fast–and live longer.

What is a vook?


A vook is a new innovation in reading that blends a well-written book, high-quality video and the power of the Internet into a single, complete story. You can read your book, watch videos that enhance the story and connect with authors and your friends through social media all on one screen, without switching between platforms.
Vooks are available in two formats: As a web-based application you can read on your computer and an application for iPhone, iPod touch and iPad for reading on the go. With the web-based application you don't have to download programs or install software. Just open your favorite browser and start reading and watching in an exciting new way. You can also download and install the mobile applications through the Apple iTunes store and sync them with your Apple mobile device.

Schmidt: Google Now Activating 200,000 Android Units A Day

Remember back in the day when Google was only activating 100,000 Android units a day? You should — it was May. By June, that number had jumped to 160,000 units a day. And today it now stands at 200,000 Android units activated a day. That’s pretty incredible.

Google CEO Eric Schmidt revealed as much today during a sit down with a group of journalists after his panel at the Techonomy conference in Lake Tahoe, CA. When asked about how the Android platform is doing, Schmidt was practically glowing. He cited the recent quarterly shipment numbers (the ones showing total shipments passed those of the iPhone in the U.S.) and said that he just checked their own internal numbers this morning.

When someone said they didn’t know a good way to measure Android’s success, Schmidt quickly responded, “trust me, we do.” He then joked about the fact that he carries around the recently cancelled Nexus One. When someone suggested that was a classic, sort of like the Apple II, Schmidt joked: “is that a compliment?“

Schmidt specifically cited the Droid X as a reason for the recent Android surge. And he noted he was excited about the new Galaxy as well because it’s on all the carriers.

When questioned if the revenue coming in from Android was enough to make the whole project worthwhile, Schmidt said that it absolutely was. He noted that the idea behind Android is that it drives search — and that search is still their primary means of revenue. “Trust me that revenue is large enough to pay for all of the Android activities and a whole bunch more,” he noted.

He said that they don’t break out Android revenue numbers because they consider it a part of search.

Schmidt also quickly transitioned to note that they “love the success of the iPhone” as well thanks to how much it also drives search.

Below find the video of him talking about Android.