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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Thursday, September 13, 2012

American EX-PAT Marries Island Hottie and Starts a Sustainable Farm in St. Croix - EX-PATS - Ep 2

Meet Nate Olive, an ex-pat from Atlanta who followed his dream of building a sustainable farm in paradise on this episode of EX-PATS. After a long sabbatical with a close friend who escaped death, Nate decided to leave what would be his past life behind him to follow his dream. Married to a beautiful Islander, Nate now has no complaints. On Episode 2 of EX-PATS, join Savannah Jane Buffett as she and Nate travel around the island of St. Croix, picking mangos, herding sheep and ultimately laughing their way to the beach. The journey has just begun.

Getting Heated in the Kitchen with Mario Batali and Eric Ripert - Full Episode 2

Mario Batali parks his Vespa right in Eric Ripert's NYC kitchen and lays it all On The Table - spices, sauces and couscous for his signature dish — Two-Minute Calamari: Sicilian Lifeguard Style. Mario shares with us his history as a chef — including life under the Marco Pierre White (for whom Mario has a few choice words). "I went in the back and may have shed a tear, then I took two big handfuls of salt and threw it in the mother sauce..." "Cin-Cin, Mother F***er."

Stanley Tucci And Eric Ripert Drink Vodka And Roast A Fish On 'On The Table' (VIDEO)

Stanley Tucci's Lemon Risotto with Whole Roasted Branzino Lemon Risotto: 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil, plus additional for serving 1 large shallot, finely chopped 1 ½ cups Vialone Nano rice ½ cup dry white wine 5 cups hot homemade chicken stock or low-sodium store-bought broth 2 tablespoons unsalted butter 1 cup grated Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese 2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice Zest of 1 large lemon, plus additional for garnishing Chopped fresh flat-leaf parsley Fine sea salt and freshly ground black pepper http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qf-EU6P1UR0&feature=channel&list=UL

The Spangler Effect : Science Magic Season 01 Episodes 29 and 30

小吃攤雪平鍋含鋁 專家:恐傷腦少用

Wednesday, September 12, 2012


随着中国经济的发展,中国日渐壮大的中产阶级的消费力得到越来越多的国际品牌的认可。许多欧美品牌纷纷抢滩中国,这其中包括著名的LV和GUCCI等。由于中国消费者对国­外品牌还不太熟悉,再加上对"舶来品"的崇尚心理,美国很多二、三线品牌,到中国后重新定位,将自己打造成一线高端品牌,甚至卖出奢侈品的价格。在我们的系列节目,"本色­美国 之品牌"系列中,我们要为你还原这些在中国的所谓"大牌"在美国的真实面目。这其中最典型的有哈根达斯和星巴克。这两个在美国大众品牌在中国的成功已经成为美国市场营销教­程的典范。这样的名单还可以列出很多很多,餐饮类如必胜客,猫头鹰等,服装类的CK、GUESS、Levi's,以及汽车类的Buick等等。在品牌@USA节目中,我们­将一一为您介绍。今天为你介绍在中国极富"小资"情调的星巴克在美国的本色。


材料:雞骨600克、豬龍骨600克 不要拿豬關節骨來熬湯,因為油酯含量較高會讓湯濁白,先準備一鍋熱水,把雞骨.豬龍骨一起下鍋汆燙,直到水滾開,這樣就能去除肉質的薄膜與血,再來準備一鍋水把煮滾後的骨­頭撈起放入水中清洗,另再準備一鍋熱水,把清洗後的骨頭放入鍋中,注意要讓水微滾且不要蓋鍋蓋,滾開煮時湯表層會有油與浮膜要撈起,這樣煮三小時後,準備濾網來過濾高湯,­如果要更漂亮可再加棉布或紗布過濾,之後保存只要冷卻後用塑膠袋裝起或保鮮膜蓋住鍋子冷凍就可以了,要食用再退冰,這樣就完成高湯製作

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

How smoke detectors work

Bill takes apart a smoke detector and shows how it uses a radioactive source to generate a tiny current which is disrupted when smoke flows through the sensor. He describes how a special transistor called a MOSFET can be used to detect the tiny current changes.

20110219 東森財經新 聞 現代啟示錄 地下外交部 士林官邸 - 1

Sunday, September 09, 2012

Foundation 01 // Jack Dorsey

In this series premiere of Foundation, Kevin Rose interviews Jack Dorsey, the creator, co-founder and chairman of Twitter and the CEO of Square. The conversation talks of entrepreneurship, decision making, trial and error, and the path Jack took that lead to the creation of Twitter and Square.

Foundation 20 // Elon Musk

Elon Musk if the founder of PayPal, SpaceX, and Telsa Motors.

Monday, September 03, 2012


【新唐人2012年7月15日讯】【澳洲广角】(436)刻骨铭心的历史:与辛亥革命同年的百岁老人康韶禹的沧桑人生。 【澳洲广角】黄金海岸 【澳洲广角】台客闪舞一起来 【澳洲广角】悉尼鱼市场 观众朋友们,大家好!我是凌云,欢迎收看澳洲广角。今天我要介绍给您的是两位生活在不同时代、有着不同背景的杰出人物。一位是历经百年沧桑,与辛亥革命童年的老人;另一位­呢则是曾经的澳州著名的橄榄球运动员,现今的大公司首席执行官。 康绍禹先生1911年出生于河北唐县的一个书香门第,这位与辛亥革命同年的老人,生于乱世,历经艰辛。但是凭着深厚的中国文化的底蕴,以及追随国父的三民主义的坚强信念,­使他得以潇洒走完充满变数的人生旅途。康老于2012年6月在墨尔本溘然谢世,让我们跟随康老的足迹去了解这一段刻骨铭心的历史。 橄榄球是澳洲人非常喜爱的一项运动,橄榄球明星们更是家喻户晓的人物。今天我们要一起走进Mark Coyne世界,看看这位曾经的澳洲橄榄球队的风云人物,是如何成功的华丽转身,成为一家大公司首席执行官的。

整個道路都塌了 記者差點掉下去

三峽老街淘空男摔死 朱立倫要究責