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Thursday, July 29, 2010

Solar power cools camel-transported vaccines

Professor Winston (Wolé) Soboyejo discusses his camel solar refrigerator project, which may improve vaccine delivery in remote areas of Kenya and Ethiopia. Prototypes of the refrigerators, specially designed to fit over camel humps, have been tested at the Bronx Zoo.

Video by Michael E. Wood

VIDEO: Materials science camp for teachers: re-energizing the classroom

For the past five years, the Princeton Center for Complex Materials has trained more than 150 teachers during a weeklong, hands-on summer immersion program in Princeton's state-of-the-art laboratories. Teachers learn materials science and engineering techniques that they then bring back to thousands of students in the classrom.

PCCM is a National Science Foundation-funded Materials Science and Research Center at Princeton University dedicated to pushing the frontiers of complexity in materials science. The materials science teachers camp is taught by Princeton faculty and by master teachers and is co-sponsored by the Materials Information Society.

This video features Richard Register, chair of chemical and biological engineering at Princeton, and Daniel Steinberg, educational outreach director for the Princeton Institute for the Science and Technology of Materials.

Applications for this free weeklong training camp are now being accepted for the summer of 2010.

Video by Kevco Productions.

Princeton president discusses role of women in the sciences: past, present and future

Princeton University President Shirley Tilghman, a distinguished molecular biologist, discusses the role of women in science -- past, present and future.

Her address was part of "Women in Theory," a conference on theoretical computer science hosted in June 2010 by Princeton's Center for Computational Intractability.

Tilghman talks about the early battles of women in the sciences during the 1970s and 1980s, laments that the need still exists for women-specific conferences, and emphasizes the importance of self-confidence and self-discipline for women (and men) seeking to make their mark in the world of science.

Tilghman is introduced by Tal Rubin. Conference co-chairs included Rubin and Boaz Barak and Moses Charikar. More here:

Elon Musk Sat Down With Stephen Colbert, Talked Tesla, SpaceX And The Irony Of The Two

The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Elon Musk
Colbert Report Full Episodes2010 ElectionFox News

Elon Musk certainly hasn’t been on the down-low lately. Well, with the Tesla’s IPO and then Toyota huge investment and manufacturing deals. Then there’s the lawsuits and his devoice. So yeah, it’s no wonder that Jon Favreau modeled his Tony Stark character after Elon — or so says Wikipedia.

But last night he had a friendly fireside chat with Stephen Colbert, where it was really nothing more than reading of the man’s resume and talking about his ventures. Of course Colbert talked circles around the PayPal co-founder as he tends to do. It’s not like The Colbert Report is known as a hard-hitting news program anyway. That’s more the style of The Daily Show. Click through for the video.

Forza Kinect - Trailer HD di debutto all'E3 2010

Forza Kinect - Trailer HD di debutto all'E3 2010

Se cerchi amici per giocare online con i tuoi giochi preferiti su Xbox Live, visita Gamertagmatch.com, la prima community italiana per i giocatori Xbox Live.

Direttamente dalla conferenza Microsoft all'E3 2010 di Los Angeles, il trailer di debutto del nuovo Forza Kinect. In questa demo all'E3, Turn 10 ha mostrato una demo giocabile in cui applicava la tecnologia di Kinect in Forza 3, con una Ferrari 458 Italia sul circuito giapponese di Fujimi Kaido, attraverso l' uso di un volante virtuale gestito da Kinect.
Infine, sempre grazie al Kinect è possibile girare intorno alla stessa Ferrari, ammirarne i vari dettagli scoprendone anche le caratteristiche tecniche fino ad entrare al suo interno ed avviarne il motore.