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Tuesday, May 10, 2011


日本首相菅直人敢停掉濱岡核電, 除了自己的勇氣之外, 一些地方首長的支持也是功不可沒. 靜岡縣知事川勝平太、大阪府知事橋下徹、名古屋市長河村隆之、愛知縣知事大村秀章等等, 都在背後力挺菅直人. 所以, 核電問題雖是中央政府的層次, 地方首長的態度也很重要.

那麼台北市長郝龍斌的態度究竟是什麼呢? 當年陳水扁停建核四時, 郝龍斌曾連署提案倒閣. 光憑這一點, 你會以為他是擁核人士. 但我翻閱一下舊紀錄, 赫然發現他曾在立法院就"立即停建核電廠"一案投下贊成票. 民進黨執政時代, 他當環保署長, 主導通過「環境基本法」,其中第23條明定:「政府應訂定計畫,逐步達成非核家園目標」. 所以蔡英文現在講的非核家園, 郝龍斌也有貢獻.

看來郝龍斌似乎是個反核人士. 但他的立場總是隨著官位而改變. 看我質詢他時的支吾其詞, 就知道他其實是沒有態度的......

Underwater search robot

Touchpanel that don't rely fingertip movement

Pioneer Prototypes Android-based Cyclocomputer (Video)

If you thought Android can be used just to power phones, tablets, TVs or similar devices, think again: Pioneer is now using the Google OS (version unknown) in the development of a “next-generation” cyclometer. It helps users track four main parameters: speed, cadence, heart rate, and power.

The prototype, which sports a 2.2-inch color LCD (non-touch) screen and a trackball, also features a pedaling motor that measure the force on the crank.

Current features include ANT+ support, GPS, a microSD slot, a microUSB port, a thermometer, and 12 hours of battery life. The device weighs 100g.

This video (shot by our friends over at Diginfonews in Tokyo) provides more insight:

A talking dog

Flipboard's Mike McCue at SXSW

Flipboard's Mike McCue at SXSW

Kara Swisher interviews Mike McCue, CEO and Co-founder of Flipboard, the social and news reading app, at the South by Southwest festival in Texas.

Start-up Allows Flash Games, Video on iPad

蕭青陽 - Story Island

3 times Grammy's Award nominated designer talked about the creative process of his latest album in TEDx Guangzhou event.




Milestones in AppJudgment's 300 Episode History! - AppJudgment