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Monday, May 24, 2010

Good Vibrations by Jérémy Clapin

The Responsibility Project

Good Vibrations by Jérémy Clapin

I can’t get enough of mid-century educational and safety-related animated shorts so I’m delighted to see a contemporary take on those films with The Responsibility Project from Liberty Mutual, which is a series of entertainment shorts intended to “create a forum for people to discuss personal acts of responsibility.” The most impressive animated short created for the program thus far is Good Vibrations by French animator Jérémy Clapin, the director ofSkhizein. The four-minute film, which is directed, designed and written by Clapin, manages to be funny and entertaining while slyly slipping in its message about the necessity of individuals taking initiative instead of rubbernecking. With his strong graphic concepts and effortless visual storytelling, Clapin’s work continually impresses, and he’s proving himself to be one of the more exciting new voices in animation. Watch Good Vibrations on the Liberty Mutual website.

Sir Ken Robinson: Bring on the learning revolution!

About this talk

In this poignant, funny follow-up to his fabled 2006 talk, Sir Ken Robinson makes the case for a radical shift from standardized schools to personalized learning -- creating conditions where kids' natural talents can flourish.

Catholic communities fear collapse

Deutsche Welle: The continuing discussion about cases of sexual abuse and allegations concerning Bishop Walter Mixa have led to widespread mistrust of the Catholic Church in Germany. Catholics are leaving the church in growing numbers, and congregations fear collapse. Here is DW's report from a Bavarian Catholic community.

'But my Mom doesn't have papers'

'But my Mom doesn't have papers'

Second-grader joins national movement that's declaring 'immigrant rights are civil rights'

With legislation popping up all over the country targeting immigrant groups, a national movement is forming to fight back. In one example in the video, Arizona bans ethnic studies, in spite of the fact that the state's own superintendent is clueless on Chicano history. In response, students of a popular Mexican-American Studies program in Tucson organize and blockade their high school to stop superintendent from entering.

Produced by Jesse Freeston.

John Doerr To Charlie Rose: I Use My iPad In Church Read more: http://techcrunch.com/2010/05/24/tcdisrupt-doerr-rose/#ixzz0otsOT7ZX

Watch live streaming video from disrupt at livestream.com


5000年來華人第一次首長直選在台灣 1949-2009

民主,向來是台灣在華人世界中最引以為傲的貢獻,而地方首長選舉更是老百姓當家作主的第一步。但很多人不知道,5000年來第一次的縣長普選是從哪裡開始? 答案是台灣美麗的後山-花蓮。

第一次選舉,選出了誰? 第一次選舉,又發生了哪些歷史性的影響?

[影音] 亞洲最溫柔細緻的社會運動,在台灣


他們為何不再暴力抗爭? 他們用什麼和平而細緻的方式? 他們發動了什麼改變? 年輕人要為改變社會注入新思維與活水。






Facebook: The Scrooge of 2007?

He also offers advice on which tools to use. Check out all the helpful information Reporter Abby Prince, right here on WebProNews.Facebook recently launched a new advertising network called Facebook Beacon. MoveOn.org and many users see it as a violation of privacy. "I saw my gf bought an item i had been saying i wanted... so now part of my Christmas gift has been ruined." Matthew Helfgott posted this comment on the MoveOn.org Facebook group called, "Facebook: Stop Invading my Privacy!"

MoveOn.org filed a petition against Facebook and is asking users to support their cause. WebProNews spoke with Adam Green, MoveOn's Spokesperson for Civic Action and Matthew Helfgott, a student and Facebook user, about the privacy issues. Check out all the details Reporter Abby Prince, right here on WebProNews.

Facebook Hates You, OKC Bombshell, Synthia - Sunday Update

Sunday Update is a public service of The Corbett Report.

Zuckerberg calls Facebook users "dumb fucks"

Facebook gave advertisers personal info of users who clicked on ads

Zuckerberg used Facebook data to hack users' private email accounts

Do You Have Facebook?

David Paul Hammer on the Alex Jones show

Terry Nichols affidavit reveals high-level FBI help in OKC bombing

OKC Bombing Survivor Jane Graham Reveals Prior Knowledge

Brig. Gen. Ben Partin Delivers Lecture on OKC bombing

McVeigh reveals Special Forces role to sister

David Paul Hammer blogs about being placed in solitary confinement

Venter creates Synthis a "synthetic cell"

Craig Venter BBC Newsnight Interview

The UK gov was running a foot-and-mouth "drill" just months before the virus decimated British livestock in 2001

The US anthrax scare of 2001 was a false flag operation

Information on the 2007 foot-and-mouth outbreak in the UK (traced to government lab)

What is the Lizard Brain?

A fun video animation describing the symptoms of the "Lizard Brain." The concept is based on Seth Godin's best-selling book, Linchpin. You can pick up a copy of Linchpin at Amazon: http://amzn.to/a8wone Illustration by Martin Whitmore Animation by Paul Durban Produced by Blazonfire.com