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Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Stewart Nails GOP For Flip Flopping On Escrow Fund (VIDEO)

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Day 62 - The Strife Aquatic
Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical HumorTea Party

Joe Barton's apology to BP continued to provide fodder for Stewart and "The Daily Show" during Monday night's episode. Stewart noted that The Republican Study Committee, which includes 114 GOP Congressman as members, endorsed the talking point that Obama was extorting a private industry. After comparing Joe Barton to legendary Chicago scapegoat Steve Bartman, Stewart pointed out the countless Republicans distancing themselves from Barton's "shakedown" statements despite being openly against the fund in the first place.

Stewart got some great material from a always reilable source, Michele Bachmann. who reneged on her statements from just a few days prior. A flabbergasted Stewart asked: "Am I the only one of the two of us who listens to what you say?"

TEDxTokyo Jake Shimabukuro - 05/15/10 (English)

Few people would consider the ukulele a serious musical instrument. Until, that is, they hear Jake Shimabukuro play one. Jakes uncommon compositions and playing techniques defy labels and categories, and he lays down jazz, blues, funk, classical, bluegrass, folk, flamenco and rock with equal virtuosity. Occasional tours with Jimmy Buffett & The Coral Reefer Band have broadened his experience and brought his talent and charming stage presence to crowds of up to fifty thousand people. Jake has also performed on NBCs The Late Show with Conan OBrien, The Today Show, and Last Call With Carson Daly, and been featured on NPRs Morning Edition and World Café, Public Radio Internationals The World, and others. In December 2009, he performed with Bette Midler for Queen Elizabeth during a special fundraising concert in Blackpool, England.