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Saturday, January 02, 2010

This is Part 1 of 7 for Flash Developers, Using Unity 3d.


This is Part 1 of 7 for Flash Developers, Using Unity 3d.


1) Capabilities
2) Basic Scripting
3) Prefabs
4) Mouse Interaction
5) Tutorial 5
6) Basic Physics
7) Basic Collision Detection

推薦一個不錯的Unity教學網站Unity Tutorials,裡面有七篇寫給Flash開發者的教學影片,有興趣的朋友可以看看

Capabilities http://www.unitytutorials.com/video/54/r-h--1-of-7
Basic Scripting http://www.unitytutorials.com/video/60/r-h--2-of-7
Prefabs http://www.unitytutorials.com/video/59/r-h--3-of-7
Mouse Interaction http://www.unitytutorials.com/video/58/r-h--4-of-7
Tutorial 5 http://www.unitytutorials.com/video/57/r-h--5-of-7
Basic Physics http://www.unitytutorials.com/video/56/r-h--6-of-7
Basic Collision Detection http://www.unitytutorials.com/video/55/r-h--7-of-7

Thank You Richard

The crash can happen again Pt4

The crash can happen again Pt4

Robert Johnson: Nothing in current financial reform legislation will stop another crash

Financial New Year's Resolutions

Three tips for making the most of your money in 2010.

The World Welcomes 2010

Russia's Leaders In Red Square Dance

This is kind of Russian folk musik called "Chastushki". They consist of small quatrains with 4 short lines in each.
It became a fashion
To resume the year
So we will take a turn
And resume it.
P: I was driving Jak Rogg in (president of International olympic commettee) in Sochi (Russian city- host of winter olympic games of 2014)
In Niva (Russian car- implied that it is not safe to drive)
M: And his desire to find faults dissapeared.

Russian TV viewers get a surprise with a cartoon duet from their President and Prime Minister immediately after Dmitiri Medvedev's official New Year's Eve address.

Russia's Ruling Pair Dance Cartoon TV Duet

4:07pm UK, Friday January 01, 2010

Julian March, Sky News Online
Russian TV viewers were treated to a surprise cartoon duet from their President and Prime Minister immediately after the latter's official New Year's Eve address.

In the two-and-a-half-minute animation, caricatures of President Dmitri Medvedev and his sidekick Prime Minister Vladimir Putin reviewed their year in a jaunty ditty while playing the accordion and tambourine on Red Square.

The ruling pair take turns to sing lines in the song, and when one of the men embellishes his performance with a flourish, he is immediately congratulated by his partner.

At one point the judo black belt Putin slaps his own bottom with his tambourine.

Russian President Dmitri Medvedev and Prime Minister Vladimir Putin in a cartoon duet reviewing 2009

Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin in an unusual guise. Pic from 'Mult Lichnosti'

Russians are more used to seeing him hunting with a gun or sitting in the cockpit of a fighter jet.

When President Medvedev wishes the Russian people "A Happy New Year for the second time", his predecessor gently reminds him that "one of us has done that nine times already".

There's an indication that this comedic appearance was not just a one-off.

Russian President Dmitri Medvedev and Prime Minister Vladimir Putin in a cartoon duet reviewing 2009

Putin & Medvedev indulge in a bit of cossack dancing. Pic from 'Mult Lichnosti'

The pair have been added to the cast of Mult Lichnosti, a twice-weekly show poking fun at political figures which runs on Russia's state-owned Channel One.

The station's director, Konstantin Ernst, said that he was not obliged to consult the Kremlin before developing his latest characters.

"We have to be careful," he told the New York Times.

"One shouldn't do anything insulting.

"In any case, our authors have no desire to insult them."