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Monday, January 31, 2011

Is this the supermarket of the future?

Dune buggy - Competition de quad enduropale 2011

Michelle Branch & Santana - I'm Feeling You

Sometimes, I imagine the world without you
But most times, I’m just so happy that I ever found you
It’s a complicated web, that you weave inside my head
So much pleasure with such pain
Hope we always, always stay the same

I’m feelin’ the way you cross my mind
And you save me in the nick of time
I’m ridin’ the highs, I’m diggin’ the lows
‘Cause at least I feel alive
I’ve never faced so many emotional days
But my life is good
I’m feelin’ you
I’m feelin’ you

You go, and then I can finally breathe in
‘Cause baby I know, in the end you’re never leavin’
Well we’re rarely ever sane, I drive you crazy and you do the same
But your fire fills my soul
And it warms me up like no one knows

'Cause I’m feelin’ the way you cross my mind
And you save me in the nick of time
I’m ridin’ the highs, I’m diggin’ the lows
‘Cause at least I feel alive
I’ve never faced so many emotional days
But my life is good
I’m feelin’ you
I’m feelin’ you

[guitar solo]

I’m feelin’ the way you cross my mind
And you save me in the knick of time
I’m ridin’ the highs, I’m diggin’ the lows
‘Cause at least I feel alive
I’ve never faced so many emotional days

Oh, I’m feelin’ the way you cross my mind
And you save me in the nick of time
I’m ridin’ the highs, I’m diggin’ the lows
‘Cause at least I feel alive
I’ve never faced so many emotional days
But my life is good
I'm feelin' you
I'm feelin' you
I'm feelin' you
Oh, I'm feelin' you

Oh, I’m feelin’ the way that you cross my mind
And the way that you save me in the knick of time
Oh I’m feelin’ the way when you walk on by
I feel light, I feel love, I feel butterflies
I feel butterflies

Coldplay - Violet Hill

Was a long and dark December
From the rooftops I remember
There was snow
White snow

Clearly I remember
From the windows they were watching
While we froze down below

When the future's architectured
By a carnival of idiots on show
You'd better lie low

If you love me
Won't you let me know?

Was a long and dark December
When the banks became cathedrals
And the fog
Became God

Priests clutched onto bibles
Hollowed out to fit their rifles
And the cross was held aloft
Bury me in honor
When I m dead and hit the ground
My nerves are poles thatn unfroze

If you love me
Won't you let me know?

I don't want to be a soldier
Who the captain of some sinking ship
Would stow, far below

If you love me
Why'd you let me go?

I took my love down to Violet Hill
There we sat in snow
All that time she was silent still

So if you love me
Won't you let me know?

If you love me,
Won't you let me know?


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 主 頁 ->  統 計   歡 迎!  

  問 卷 名 稱  - 非營利組織與公關問卷調查


前 頁 | 顯 示 21-36 / 36     

21   請問您會想參加哪種非營利組織所舉辦的活動形式?(複選)


 A-音樂會、演唱會 (662)
 B-園遊會 (430)
 C-體驗營 (469)
 D-遊行 (94)
 E-募款餐會 (198)
 F-競賽活動 (135)
 G-演講座談會 (364)
 H-主題文化季 (432)
 I-其他 (10)

No Selection (6) 
Select 1 item (194)  Select 2 items (283)
Select 3 items (325)   Select 4 items (141)
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22   請問您有聽過「蘇花糕餅舖」這個非營利組織嗎?


 A-有 (114)
 B-沒有 (921)
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23   請問您是否知道興建蘇花高速公路的相關議題?


 A-知道且了解 (154)
 B-知道但不清楚 (592)
 C-不知道 (289)
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24   請問您知道現在這個議題發展的情況嗎?


 A-知道 (87)
 B-不知道 (633)
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25   非營利組織在做資源整合、找尋策略聯盟夥伴時,您覺得哪項是最重要的考量?(單選)


 A-信譽良好 (278)
 B-擁有豐富的資源 (190)
 C-願景相同 (480)
 D-有共同合作經驗 (83)
 E-其他 (4)
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26   請問您知道本事件(以下簡稱66事件)嗎?


 A-不知道 (680)
 B-知道,但是不熟悉 (337)
 C-知道,且有研究 (17)
 D-知道,且有參與 (1)
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27   您認為非營利組織最常面對的危機類型是?(單選)


 A-信用危機 (308)
 B-人力缺乏危機 (181)
 C-財務危機 (544)
 D-其他 (2)
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28   你認為非營利組織要渡過危機,最重要的原則是?(單選)


 A-尋求外在援助 (135)
 B-迅速反應 (81)
 C-誠實 (272)
 D-將問題告知社會大眾 (155)
 E-正確找出問題所在 (389)
 F-其他 (3)
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29   事件剛爆發時,喜憨兒基金會因而失去許多捐款,甚至產生經營上的危機,但因此喜憨兒基金會宣佈資金不足,必須關閉竹北店後,各界開始聲援,王品集團更因此而捐贈200萬元,使得此事件圓滿落幕,你覺得喜憨兒基金會能夠成功化危機為助力,最主要的原因是?(複選)


 A-知名度足夠 (448)
 B-有專業的危機處理人員 (439)
 C-喜憨兒家長的熱心支持 (152)
 D-與媒體關係良好 (233)
 E-了解如何操作議題 (403)
 F-有良好的組織信譽 (509)
 G-與合作夥伴關係良好 (212)
 H-其他 (8)

No Selection (1) 
Select 1 item (276)  Select 2 items (354)
Select 3 items (274)   Select 4 items (82)
Select 5 items (33)   Select 6 items (7)
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30   請問您會把公關列為未來職涯規劃的一個考量嗎?


 A-會 (536)
 B-不會 (499)
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31   請問您對於公關這個領域,較感興趣的部分是什麼?(至多三個)


 A-媒體操作 (270)
 B-企劃活動 (454)
 C-社交能力 (573)
 D-資源整合 (344)
 E-溝通說服 (575)
 F-資料蒐集分析 (172)
 G-成效評估 (112)
 H-危機處理 (407)
 I-其他 (5)

No Selection (5) 
Select 1 item (77)  Select 2 items (128)
Select 3 items (769)   Select 4 items (32)
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32   性別:


 A-男 (516)
 B-女 (519)
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33   就讀學校所在地:


 A-北部 (637)
 B-中部 (191)
 C-南部 (147)
 D-東部 (47)
 E-離島地區 (13)
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34   請問您一個月可支配金額是多少?


 A-5,000 元以下 (345)
 B-5,000 元~10000 元 (493)
 C-10,000 元~20,000元 (123)
 D-20,000 元~30,000 元 (44)
 E-30,000 元以上 (30)
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35   宗教信仰:


 A-有 (302)
 B-無 (733)
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36   學院背景:


 A-文學 (119)
 B-法律 (32)
 C-商管 (351)
 D-理工 (253)
 E-醫學 (68)
 F-生農 (51)
 G-教育 (39)
 H-傳播 (36)
 I-其他 (86)
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