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Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Bruce Shapiro - motion control artist
Bruce Shapiro at Gel 2005 from Gel Conference on Vimeo.
Choreographing a robotic arm to create art - even dance - is no small feat, but Bruce Shapiro delivers both in this Gel talk. See also Bruce's site, The Art of Motion Control.
The Flying Karamazov Brothers
The Flying Karamazov Brothers at Gel 2005 from Gel Conference on Vimeo.
Showcasing their tremendous multidimensional talents, the Flying Karamazov Brothers performed four short segments at Gel 2005. In this segment the brothers start with a perfectly executed juggling routine and end with "a gift from heaven."
Seth Godin: This is broken
Seth Godin at Gel 2006 from Gel Conference on Vimeo.
About this talk
Why are so many things broken? In a hilarious talk from the 2006 Gel conference, Seth Godin gives a tour of things poorly designed, the 7 reasons why they are that way, and how to fix them.
Startup Metrics for Pirates (SeedCamp, Sept 2009)
Seedcamp Week 2009
Day 1
Highlights of the founder's day
Successful entrepreneurs gave advice during the Founder Panel
Hjalmar Windblah did a talk about Navigating the Startup Rollercoaster
Day 2
Highlights of product and marketing day
Startups received advice about product development from the Product Panel and on marketing from the Marketing Panel
Eric Ries gave a masterclass called "The Lean Startup"
Day 3
Main highlights of day 3, which was dedicated to technolgy and investors
The Technical Panel gave great advice on technology
Dave McClure gave a masterclass on Startup Metrics for Pirates
Sean Ellis gave a masterclass on Startup Customer Development
The Investor Panel gave advice on receiving investment
Day 4
Highlights of day 4, when startups gave their final presentations
Fred Wilson gave a masterclass on the 10 Characteristics of Great Companies
Day 5
Highlights of the last day, when winners were announced.
Seedcamp Week 2009 Day 1 Highlights from Seedcamp on Vimeo.
Seedcamp Week '09. Day 1. Founder Panel from Seedcamp on Vimeo.
Seedcamp Week '09. Day 1. Navigating the Start-up Rollercoaster with Hjalmar Windblah from Seedcamp on Vimeo.
Seedcamp - Day 2 Highlights from Seedcamp on Vimeo.
Seedcamp Week '09. Day 2. Product Panel from Seedcamp on Vimeo.
Seedcamp Week '09. Day 2. Marketing Panel from Seedcamp on Vimeo.
Seedcamp Week '09. Day 2. Masterclass with Eric Ries from Seedcamp on Vimeo.
Seedcamp Day 3 Highlights from Seedcamp on Vimeo.
Seedcamp Week '09. Day 3. Technical Panel from Seedcamp on Vimeo.
Seedcamp Week '09. Day 3. Masterclass with Dave McClure from Seedcamp on Vimeo.
Seedcamp Week '09. Day 3. Masterclass with Sean Ellis from Seedcamp on Vimeo.
Seedcamp Week '09. Day 3. Investor panel from Seedcamp on Vimeo.
Seedcamp Week 2009 Day 4 Highlights from Seedcamp on Vimeo.
Seedcamp Week '09. Day 4. Masterclass with Fred Wilson from Seedcamp on Vimeo.
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Entertainment News ---- New Study Reveals Which Dance Moves Attract Women
Multisource political news, world news, and entertainment news analysis by Newsy.com
A new study from the England's Northumbria University breaks down the science of sexy dancing.
WOMAN ANCHOR: “Oh nooo.” (CNN)
The animated dancing figures were actually created from real men dancing in a lab. They were recorded by 12 cameras with sensors and then made into the digital figures the women saw. The BBC reports the whole study was actually inspired by observations in nature.
“The experiment was inspired by watching birds, like many animals they use movement as part of a courtship ritual to show they have good genetics. Scientists say the same may well be true of people. They found form blood tests that those who dance well are healthier.”
Sky News from the UK breaks down the study with professional dancer “Supple”, who wasn’t too surprised that the bigger and more varied dance moves were seen as more attractive.
“To me this is an obvious fact, because dancing is a form of expression. People in general are attracted to people who can express themselves really well. So anything that kind of springs up and gets people’s attention is something that would be naturally attractive whether to male or female.”
Finally, the Fox and Friends crew show off some dance moves, but it doesn’t look like one crew member was paying quite enough attention to the computer-animated dancers in the study.
DOOCY: “When you do the little thing when you just barely move your feet or just the little shimmy, they don’t like it. Now women love that... now get the breathalyzer.”
Now that you know the science -- are you gonna change how you get your groove on?
World News ------ Japan-China Tensions Rise Over Boat Collision
Multisource political news, world news, and entertainment news analysis by Newsy.com
Protesters gathered in front of the Japanese Embassy shouting slogans and waving flags against the Japanese government.
A Chinese spokesperson tells CNTV the captain’s detention is absurd and warns its neighbor against further provocation.
“We stress the Diaoyu islands and adjacent islands have been part of China’s territories since the ancient times. We demand that the Japanese coast patrol not carry out the so called petition activities at sea near the Diaoyu islands nor can it take any actions that endanger Chinese fishing boats and personal.”
But as Press TV reports, the Japanese government sees the collision a little differently.
“The Japanese foreign press secretary said his country’s ownership of the islands, which he calls the Senkaku was an indisputable fact. On Thursday, the chief cabinet secretary said the collision case has been sent to prosecutors for investigation under Japanese law.”
Al Jazeera's Melissa Chan says this event is all about China’s image and pride.
"You can look at this as a case of China saying 'these islands belong to us'... ‘It's about territorial integrity and this is something we've seen in China time and time again. China is saying that Taiwan is part of China, that Tibet belongs to China, so it's part of a wider theme."
Finally, China’s People’s Daily Online suggests it isn’t in Japan’s interest to escalate the incident any further.
“China is a promising market for Japan and has been Japan's biggest trading partner since 2009. Bilateral trade reached $138.4 billion in value in the first half of this year, a year-on-year jump of 34.5 percent, according to Japanese statistics.”
Updated Newsy iPad App Now Available
Multisource political news, world news, and entertainment news analysis by Newsy.com
Version 2.0 of the Newsy for iPad app, based on suggestions from Newsy users, is built specifically to maximize the features of the Apple iPad.
Business News -- Is Samsung Galaxy Tab an iPad Killer?
Multisource political news, world news, and entertainment news analysis by Newsy.com
The Samsung Galaxy Tab is likely to be the first Android-based competitor in the marketplace to take on Apple’s iPad, and boasts some features the iPad cannot - like Adobe Flash.
Boy Genius Report says, it looks like Verizon will be the carrier, if its inside sources are correct.
“Confirmation that the very sexy and very unannounced Samsung tablet device for Verizon Wireless is actually Samsung’s Galaxy Tab tablet. It is currently sitting pretty in Verizon’s internal systems, and a source of ours has sent in proof.”
And PC World says, if the Chinese-language site Ifanr is right, the Galaxy has some cool hardware, too.
“... there's definitely a big camera on the back of the tablet (3.2 megapixels, says ifanr), with a little dot next to it that's probably a flash. Samsung's teaser lists video calls as a feature, so I wouldn't rule out a front-facing camera, either. Navigation and mapping apps are shown in the video, so GPS is a safe bet. The same source that claims 800-by-480 resolution also said the Galaxy Tab has a 1 GHz processor and Bluetooth, based on leaked firmware.”
PC World admits the res screen now appears to be higher 1024 by 600 pixels. On CNBC’s The Next Big Thing, two analysts say, getting a second player into the tablet wars is big on several fronts. Most importantly, competition will breed better products. For now, competitors have a niche.
“What did Apple leave out ... Uh, front facing camera for video chat. Easy ways to docket into your other products, the rest of your lifestyle. High definition video. That sort of thing. So these are some the things these other companies are hoping will create a tablet war ... More people plan on buying a tablet in the next year than they do a computer, a netbook or a notebook.”
The Samsung Galaxy Tablet is one of many products to be unveiled at the huge world technology show in Berlin, on September 2.
Get more multi-source tech and business news from Newsy.com.
Business News --- AT&T to Cut Unlimited Data Plan
Multisource political news, world news, and entertainment news analysis by Newsy.com
AT&T announced it will be doing away with its unlimited data plans for iPhones and iPads. This will affect new subscribers after June 6.
Joe Wilcox, a writer for BetaNews, calls the move "sleazy." He says the timing was deliberate with the new iPhone coming out at the end of June and other changes being announced by AT&T.
"AT&T announcing data caps the day after raising smartphone early termination fees from $175 to $325. Customers looking for better data plans but still under contract would be less likely to jump to another carrier."
But an LA Times article says iPhone and iPad users were going to "bring Apple to its knees" if unlimited data plans weren't reined in.
"Industry analysts say it's only a matter of time before other mobile service providers follow suit, bringing an end to the days of all-you-can-eat data plans for smart phones and other mobile Internet-connected devices that use cell data networks."
But on The Wall Street Journal's Digits, Spencer Ante says AT&T is looking to the future, when 2GB of data is nothing.
"A few years from now, this whole universe is going to be completely different. People are going to be downloading apps all over the place, they're going to be streaming video. That 2GB threshold is going to actually probably seem kind of low in a few years from now. That's I think the concern of people thinking out of the future, that it might be more expensive than cheaper, which is what AT&T is saying today."
So, what do you think of AT&T's latest move? Money hungry? Or just smart business?
Get more multi-source news from Newsy.com.
Tech News -- Apple Predicts 'Facetime' Will Boost Sale
Multisource political news, world news, and entertainment news analysis by Newsy.com
Some are projecting Apple will sell 48 million products featuring its Facetime feature before the end of the year. In order for that to happen, another shoe has to drop.
"(Applause) Elation for the first person in the UK to get their hands on Apples latest gadget, the iPad. Hundreds have spent a cold night camping outside a London store." (Al Jazeera)
iPad Mania has struck worldwide. Last week, the gadget was unveiled at Apple stores from the U.K. to the Pacific Rim. This week, Apple announced, 2 million iPads have been sold -- in just 59 days.
We're analyzing reaction from Al Jazeera, The Guardian, ITN, The Sydney Morning Herald, and Mashable.
Al Jazeera interviews two sources. One who understands iPad mania, and another who won't join in.
"What Apple sells is sort of excitement, and fashion and newness. And this tactile -- you can touch it -- what Microsoft is selling is utility. ... I'm not going to buy an ipad ever. Because i think there are much better cheaper devisces coming in the form of google android based tablets which will offer things that I personally want."
The Guardian got in line and asked people...
"Why queue rather than order online? "For the atmosphere" and "to be there", according to 44%. However, 2% (only?) said they were "die-hard" Mac fans; 29% "couldn't admit" why. (This is puzzling.)"
ITN reporter talks with David Phelan from TimeOut Magazine who says, the iPad lovefest could have serious staying power.
"I think there will be a huge sale at first with people who are passionate about Apple or passionate about this beautifully designed product. And then it will inevitably tail off. Except that I didn't think the App Store was going to huge on the iPhone and it's now got 200,000 applications and sales of the iPhone are growing rather than declining."
The Sydney Morning Herald's Adam Turner says, his experience at an Australian Apple store felt something like attending a cult meeting.
"Told to throw down their netbook and walk, the faithful were led like lambs to the cash register. Perhaps it was sleep deprivation, perhaps it was something in the water, but at that moment they looked as if they would follow Steve Jobs into the fires of hell, although some suspect that's whence he came."
Just how popular is the iPad overseas? Mashable points out, in China, there's already a knock-off, called the iPed. No translation required.
"(Chinese translation unavailable)"
So what is it with iPad? Hype? Coolness? Or a cult mindset?
Get more multi-source tech news from Newsy.com.