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Saturday, August 07, 2010
TL;DW: VC Investment Moving From Silicon Valley To Where? Disneyland? [Video]
First came reports of how many more dealsRon Conway was doing in New York than he’s done in the past. Then, there was a report that showed the number of venture firms were predicted to decline in traditional markets, and grow in emerging markets like China, India and Brazil. Now, the latest Pepperdine Capital Markets Survey finds that Silicon Valley based VCs have wanderlust too.
According to the survey the number one location where VCs said they expected to invest in the next year was Southern California. Specifically, 17.4% named Southern California, 12% said they planned to invest in the Southwest and 10.5% said they planned to invest in the Southeast. Only 7.9% of VCs surveyed—most of whom live in Silicon Valley—said they intended to invest in Silicon Valley.
Look, we’ve been as big a proponent of the idea that VCs are expanding their scope as there is at TechCrunch, but last we checked Southern California wasn’t an emerging market. We couldn’t believe these results could be true, so we invited the study’s author John Paglia on to this week’s episode of Too Long; Didn’t Watch to explain.
His survey can be found here and has a few other interesting take aways. 56% of investors said “gut feel” was the largest reason they do a deal, outranked only by “market analysis.” Gut feel always ranks high, so Paglia decided to ask this time what “gut feel” means. Investors said it was based most on “nonanalytical impression” and “past experience and knowledge.” Again, we would have thought that would favor Valley investors backing the networks they already have and know in the Valley, but maybe they have a good gut feel about oranges and beachballs. (We’re kidding So. Cal., we know you have MySpace, biotech and clean tech innovation going on. And Disneyland!)
The survey also noted that 42.8% of venture firms said they were currently raising money or would be in the next six-to-twelve months. This will be the key period to watch to see what our venture capital ecosystem is going to look like in for the next decade or more. A lot of people are expecting a shake out in terms of who can raise money, as returns are generally horrible for the last ten years. But then again, we heard about a shakeout among venture funds in 2000 that never happened.
原住民太固執?政府太蠻橫?八八滿週年 問題沒解決!
張貼者: 公視有話好說-新聞論壇 於 星期五, 八月 06, 2010
行政院原住民族委員會副主任委員 夏錦龍
台灣原住民族部落行動聯盟總召集人 理斷‧搭給嚕嘟嗯牧師
台灣原社社長、台師大地理系副教授 汪明輝
高雄縣政府原住民處處長 谷縱‧喀勒芳安
屏東縣副縣長 鍾佳濱
公視記者 蔣靜怡、台灣原住民族部落行動聯盟發言人 歐蜜‧偉浪 牧師
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