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Saturday, March 05, 2011

TAM3-0063 QUALIA 桜色古物語 / さくらさくら 〜 Japanize Dream...

First look: Hurricane Party gets us ready for SXSW (look for parties with friends)

It is an iPhone app that helps you do everything from getting your friends together after work to making a bigger event happen.

No apps, no sale: iPad 2 vs. Motorola Xoom vs RIM Playbook vs HP TouchPad


We now know what the choice is:
1. Apple iPad 2. Has apps. 65,000 of them.
2. Motorola Xoom. Has no apps. Oh, sorry. 16. At least no apps designed for the large format. Designing an app that works on a smart phone isn’t the same as designing one that works on a large screen. Most of the apps I’ve “stretched” really suck compared to their iPad equivalents.
3. HP TouchPad. Has no apps. Heck, it isn’t even shipping yet.
4. RIM PlayBook. Has no apps. Heck, it isn’t even shipping yet.
No apps, no sale.