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Monday, April 05, 2010


Top VCs Debate Rising Startup Valuations [Video]

The venture capital valuations for still-have-that-new-car-smell startups like Quora, FourSquare, Blippy are reaching unprecedented levels, and we wanted to find out why. Top VCs Marc Andreessen, Ron Conway and David Hornik came by the TechCrunch offices to debate the issue.

Four month old Blippy is worth around $38 million. Quora, still in private beta, is valued at around $86 million in its most recent round. And Foursquare will be worth $80 million or more when it closes the round it’s negotiating now.

These are all young, basically pre-revenue startups. A year ago these valuations would have been unthinkable. So what’s driving the feeding frenzy? The IPO market is still mostly closed to startups, and most acquisitions are still in the low tens of millions of dollars. There’s no clear profitable exit for VCs who invest at these valuations.

Andreessen says there are very few “main event” startups, pointing to a study that says Silicon Valley creates an average of fifteen startups a year that eventually get to $100 million/year in revenue. Those are the startups venture capitalists are aiming for, and valuation is secondary to just getting in the deal. Those deals tend to get bid way, way up.

He also says that the hottest deals tend to have valuations at 4x what comparable startups can command – meaning some intangible factor pushes the valuation of a startup way beyond what the numbers will support.

Hornik also says that history has proven some crazy valuation deal to be very smart in hindsight. He uses Greylock’s investment in Facebook at a $500 million valuation as an example. At the time a lot of people said they were crazy. Now, it looks like the deal of the decade.

“Silicon Valley has a very short term memory,” says Hornik, saying that overpriced deals that eventually go south are quickly forgotten. And smart deals tend to be remembered.

Conway says that venture capitalists need to do their due diligence. He invested in Google at a $75 million valuation in the late 90s, and the company had no revenue and no business model yet. But the search engine was so exceptional, he says, that the investment made sense when they looked deeply at the team and the product. Obviously, he was right. Good diligence plus good deal flow equals a good portfolio, he says.

What’s most interesting about the talk is that none of these guys seem particularly concerned with rising valuations. Getting a piece of the hot deals seems to be of crucial importance.

This was a 30 minute conversation and there were lots of great side discussions as well, such as how they deal with entrepreneurs who want to sell out of a startup instead of going the distance. And near the end I hounded Andreessen on when Skype might go public.

Smells Like Teen Spirit Misheard Lyrics


Nirvana's "Smells Like Teen Spirit": Eric Lewis (@eleww)

大愛新聞_漂浮的未來_因應海平面上升 打造未來漂浮屋



漂浮屋建築師 Koen Olthuis:「那無關科技,而是關乎觀念,因為人們要相信它是安全的,他們必須要理解,就像回到過去。幾百年前沒有人開車,大家會說喔!車子,哇好特別喔!但現在到處都是成千上萬的車。」


漂浮屋建築師 Koen Olthuis:「這對環境沒有衝擊,因為如果你要打造一個島,你要填土,會毀損水中的生態,如果是漂浮島,魚還可以從下方游過,水流也會從下面流過。」


漂浮屋建築師 Koen Olthuis:「漂浮住宅看起來就像正常住宅一樣,用中空的混凝土在上面蓋一般的房子,可以蓋或小或大的房子,用纜繩或木樁,就是隨水移動的漂浮屋。」


漂浮屋建築師 Koen Olthuis:「人們會開始使用漂浮住宅,漸漸的,會變成尋常城市的一部分,你甚至看不出來陸上或水上的差異,你只是從一般的陸地,走到漂浮的區域,然後發覺自己在漂浮陸地、或甚至一點都沒有察覺。」




漂浮屋建築師 Koen Olthuis:「該怎麼做呢?那邊會有很大的降雨,把雨水引到這個區域,所以那邊的房子就很安全。這邊是一個大湖,約有2.5公里、幾百公尺寬,現在是乾的地,但之後我們會引水過來,水深 1.8公尺。」



科學顧問:周柏儀 黃恩宇 Koen Olthuis
大愛新聞 林珮霖 宋和祥 荷蘭報導

大愛新聞_漂浮的未來_世界第八大奇觀 三角洲工程





鹿特丹不是荷蘭第一大城,但一直是世界第一大港,曾經一年吞吐量五億噸,直到 2004年才被上海取代,現在仍舊平均每六秒就進出一艘船。


EWP 歐洲水資源合作主席 Tom Vereijken:「我們談的是約一千億歐元,這是三角洲計畫必須的花費 這是築堤蓋閘門的代價,也是住在低地,住在三角洲的代價。」

三角洲工程號稱世上最大海洋防護網, 尤其是1997最後完工的馬仕朗海障,控制360公尺寬的水道,就靠兩座等同巴黎鐵塔高度的水閘。

馬仕朗海障解說員 Emma Van Den Bosc:「我們現在站的地方,是在海平面兩公尺以上,當我們進行關閉的作業時, 水位上升到三公尺,就大約到這個圍欄上。」

偵測海平面上升到三公尺的大潮或風暴,就會由DSS(Decision & Support System)系統全自動開啟,避免人為疏失。


馬仕朗海障解說員 Emma Van Den Bosc:「現在我們站在軸承這裡,軸承對我們來說很重要,因為是讓水閘旋轉的關鍵,也可以說像是肩膀,水閘就像這樣移動。當水閘承受壓力時,軸承來自水的壓力,會有後作用力 往聚乙烯(塑化材質)墊片襲去,巨大的壓力,也會讓聚乙烯溶解 這個方式可以潤滑球型軸承。」


馬仕朗海障解說員 Emma Van Den Bosc:「我們可以攔阻海平面上升五公尺,如果海平面上升超過五公尺,那是非常高的水位,我們預計一萬年才會發生一次。」



馬仕朗海障解說員 Emma Van Den Bosc:「你可以看到這是白色,白色是有特別原因,因為外表的塗料,可以保護整個鋼骨結構,不但防海水腐蝕,也能確保不會熱脹冷縮太嚴重。」



大愛新聞 林珮霖 宋和祥 荷蘭報導

科學顧問:周柏儀 Emma Van Den Bosc Tom Vereijken