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Friday, July 29, 2011

Heritage students made this stop-motion video

Heritage students made this stop-motion video

The students at Heritage Middle School in West St. Paul knew they’d all be getting Apple iPad 2 tablets to use for schoolwork. They just didn’t know when.

School staffers were maddeningly evasive when asked about this, even though they recently held a series of iPad-orientation sessions for the children and parents, assuring them the tablets would likely see the light of day before the end of the school year.

Then Principal Chris Hiti began to boogie.

Students in a gym Thursday for what they thought was a standard pep rally were agog when the tall, burly administrator bobbed his hips and doffed his sweatshirt to reveal a black T-shirt imprinted with “iHeritage.” Teachers joined him in a frenetic line dance.

And then the kids saw the unfurled banner and the answer to their big question: “Heritage iPads are here!”

Dreamed up the iPad back in 1994

Knight Ridder, former owner of the St. Paul Pioneer Press, pretty much dreamed up the iPad back in 1994. But when the iPad did come to pass, Knight Ridder was long dead. I don’t know whether to laugh or cry.

iPad TV ad

Here’s a funny video by another tech writer who put the Chef Sleeve to the ultimate test:

Magical (and fake) preview of iOS 5


iPads at the Wharton School

We're all connected

Skype for the iPad