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Thursday, April 08, 2010

NYC Destroyed – 8-bit style…

Sales Performance Management Strategies

Sales Performance Management Strategies
Laura Roach, leader of sales performance strategies at Xactly, explains why she's so passionate about SPM Center of Excellence -- an online community that offers a forum for sharing best practices and research

High-Performance Telesales for Enterprise Technology

High-Performance Telesales for Enterprise Technology
Mari Anne Vanella-Wright, founder and CEO of the Vanella Group and author of “42 Rules of Cold Calling Executives," explains her method for netting new accounts

The Formula for Executive-Level Cold Calling

The Formula for Executive-Level Cold Calling
Mari Anne Vanella-Wright, author of "42 Rules of Cold Calling Executives," offers some tips on how to get better results doing business over the phone. She explains why it's smart to use a script and how to troubleshoot your calling



桃源谷昔稱「綑牛仔山」『大牛埔』,早期農閒時候,孩童放牧與嬉戲之地。桃源谷讓你置身世外的安詳與寧靜,幾戶人家,炊煙裊裊、雞犬相聞的景象,一趟走下來,必能印象深刻,回味無窮。 這片海拔500公尺的青草坡,傾斜將近30度, 坡面上的綠草,迤邐延伸三、四公里。草原上可西眺三貂嶺,東望太平洋;北邊福隆山嶐嶐嶺南接雪山山脈蘭陽五岳,站在分水嶺最高點,遠眺蘭陽平原及龜山島,徐徐海風拂面,令人俗慮全消,山海交錯,人煙渺遠,宛如置身世外的天堂仙境。
3. 影像紀錄、「綑牛仔山」『大牛埔』人文史 蹟及訪談技巧。
5. 培養社團運作及互助合作的精神。
一、桃源谷 位於雪山山脈主脊北段的灣坑頭山西稜與內寮山之間,海拔555公尺
二、灣坑頭山 灣坑頭山位於東北角貢寮鄉與宜蘭頭城鎮的界稜上,與內寮山連稜,兩山之間既是桃源谷寬廣的大草原。灣坑頭山東邊山勢宏偉突出,陡峭峻拔,而西面的山嶺則平緩斜伸,視野極佳,山稜東北邊下降於桶盤堀尖山,兩山之間的鞍部,即是草嶺古道的嶺頂。

三、蕃薯寮山 海拔456公尺,循著桃源谷草原大溪線續行,便會來到蕃薯寮山。由於步道的建設,蕃薯寮山基點曾移動且架高置放,特別突出。於頂上回望仍可見到桃源谷大草原的美景。
四、大溪漁港 :

3. 黃武雄「學校在窗外」教學的真正意義,釋放社團視野、重建屬於在地的世界觀。
2. 活動組活動之前,交通工具聯繫宜事先準備。
4. 攝影紀錄發表組:電池充電、記憶卡備份準備齊全。
5. 山區氣候多變,應備雨具和禦寒衣物。
6. 為維護自然景觀、環境整潔及公共設施、請勿採取花木、
◎點心及午餐 ◎水壺 ◎休閒服
◎手帕衛生紙 ◎帽子 ◎零錢
◎羅盤 ◎記錄本 ◎原子筆
◎彩色筆 ◎雨衣、雨傘 ◎小背包
◎攝影裝備 ◎望遠鏡 ◎桃源谷導覽圖

-- 蘇澳 至 樹林 冬山07:09 羅東07:15 宜蘭07:27大里0801 48分 每日行駛

程序 時間分配 活動綱要 附 註
1 7﹕00~7﹕10 整隊出發
2 7﹕15~ 8﹕01 車上活動
3 8﹕01~10﹕10 下車進入登山口
4 10﹕10~12﹕30灣坑頭山.自然探索沿途介紹景觀
5 12﹕30~14﹕00 桃源谷生態調查影像紀錄
6 14﹕00~16﹕30石觀音寺山海之美觀賞
7 16﹕30~17:20大溪漁港
8 17:33快樂賦歸 溫暖的家

捌、 活動記錄







Secrets to Sales Innovation

Secrets to Sales Innovation
David DiStefano, CEO of Richardson, explains that the best way to get salespeople to be innovative is to simply empower them to do so. By asking all employees for ideas and allowing them to take risks, you can create an atmosphere than encourages outside-the-box thinking.

Adapting to the World of Selling

Adapting to the World of Selling
Massood Zarrabian, CEO of Outstart, says the Internet has taken away much opportunity for salespeople to set themselves apart. Information that used to be confidential is now available to everyone. He discusses how salespeople can adapt to this changing landscape and how they should deal with informed buyers.

Dealing with Change as a Salesperson

Disruptive Sales Strategy #2 – Know your Personal Purpose.

Sorry it took me a while to get to this next strategy. I should move this along and serve them all up to you in short order moving forward. So, on this idea of purpose; I find that it is critically important for us to aware of what our motivations are? As sales people; why do anything at all? What is your ultimate … “Why”?
Just as a business organization know what they are committed to accomplishing in a give time period, so must we as individual people know what we are committed to accomplishing and why. For businesses, most often; it relates to improving the value of their share holders stock. Rarely do they have any other “value” metric for success. There are exceptions like Paul Newman’s company – they donated 100% of all profits to charity. This is not common.
But for you as an individual person – being clear about why you do anything at all, will give you the power to make the right call every time you do something. Every time you meet someone, take a call, make a decision to attend an event or even just have a thought! You will be able to assess if this “thing” that you are doing is going to either 1. Support or 2. Sabotage your efforts to fulfill on your purpose – the sake for which you are committed to act.
Think about that; there are only these two outcomes. Think about how effective you will begin to be when you do things that will support your end goal. Imagine all the wasted time you will save by not taking calls from friends and family that waste your time, from not doing tasks and going to events that do not support your goals for this quarter. The benefits are real.
Try this short exercise for the next 24 hours — every time you have a choice to take a call, have a conversation, do a task, etc. – assess if it is going to have a direct impact on your bottom line this new quarter.
I would love to hear your findings.

The D'Souza Group ----- Power to Prosperity

Dealing with Change as a Salesperson
Paul D'Souza, business consultant and author of the new book "The Market Has Changed -- Have You?" discusses why getting back to basics is critical during times of change

Supporting the Qualities of Your Salespeople

Supporting the Qualities of Your Salespeople
Paul D'Souza, business consultant and author of the new book "The Market Has Changed -- Have You?" explains why it's so important for salespeople to know their numbers.

The Market Has Changed - Have You?

The Market Has Changed - Have You?
Paul D'Souza, business consultant and author of "The Market Has Changed -- Have You?" explains why awareness is the new bottomline and how you can reconnect with your goals

The Buy Cycle Funnel Part II

The Buy Cycle Funnel Part II
Mark Sellers, author of "The Funnel Principle," goes over the process of using the sales funnel to transform the way you sell.

Closing the Sales Gaps

Closing the Sales Gaps
Tom Cates, president of The Brookeside Group, explains how sales people can become pro-active partners with their clients.

Inverting the Sales Funnel

Inverting the Sales Funnel
Ron Hubsher, CEO of the Sales Optimization Group, defines the “sales funnel”—and then explains why he thinks it’s a complete myth. Following the traditional... +more
Speaker: Ron Hubsher, CEO, The Sales Optimization Group

Measuring Customer Intelligence

Measuring Customer Intelligence
Tom Cates, president of The Brookeside Group, a sales intelligence company, explains the six dimensions of a successful customer relationship, and how to measure and manage customer satisfaction.

Develop Salespeople Using the Funnel

Develop Salespeople Using the Funnel
Mark Sellers, author of "The Funnel Principle," explains how sales managers can use the funnel as a coaching guide and a forecasting tool.

Sales Mastery

Sales Mastery
Mastering sales is a lifelong learning process, according to Barry Trailer of CSO Insights. In order to get to the mastery stage, you need... +more
Speaker: Barry Trailer, CSO Insights

The Future of Sales Training

The Future of Sales Training
David DiStefano, CEO of Richardson, talks about how the sales training industry has evolved and his vision of e-learning.
Speaker: David DiStefano

How Motivation Leads to Sales Results

How Motivation Leads to Sales Results
Tom Cates, president of The Brookeside Group, explains how a salesperson's competence and confidence can get clients motivated about a product or service.

Sales Training in a 2.0 World

Sales Training in a 2.0 World
David DiStefano, CEO of Richardson, talks about how the massive amount of data available through Web 2.0 has impacted sales training.
Speaker: David DiStefano, CEO, Richardson

Sales Performance Management Strategies

Sales Performance Management Strategies
Laura Roach, leader of sales performance strategies at Xactly, explains why she's so passionate about SPM Center of Excellence -- an online community that offers a forum for sharing best practices and research

The New Way of Selling

The New Way of Selling
Dan Miller, a senior vice president at General Physics Corporation, a performance improvement company, discusses how technology has changed the sales process and why good information is critical in this age of Web 2.0.

Building a Successful Inside Sales Team

Building a Successful Inside Sales Team
Doug DeBolt, senior vice president of West Business Services, discusses the elements of a high-performing inside sales team: hiring, sales management, technology and culture.

The Instant Answer Guide to Business Writing

The Instant Answer Guide to Business Writing
Deborah Dumaine, CEO of Better Communications, discusses the aspects of a winning PowerPoint presentation. She says presenters need to strike a balance between data and the sales message

Integrating Sales With Marketing

Integrating Sales With Marketing
Joan Kratz, senior vice president of marketing at Premiere Global, discusses how to manage people and technology to align sales and marketing teams with the goal of improving the overall sales process.

The Office War

What happens when the IT and Sales teams don’t see eye to eye? Don your foam-dart-proof vest and click play to find out.

Nurturing Sales Leads

Nurturing Sales Leads
Phil Fernandez, President and CEO of Marketo, says that many companies today are not managing sales leads effectively. He suggests ways to utilize... +more
Speaker: Phil Fernandez, President and CEO, Marketo

Surviving a Sales Rep: 101

Surviving a Sales Rep: 101
Sales reps are highly trained and work with a range of tools and applications. This often leaves buyers disadvantaged when it comes to negotiating.... +more
Speaker: Ted Smith, SVP, B2B, CNET Networks

All Things On Demand

All Things On Demand
Sponsored: Traditional customer relationship management (CRM) systems fall short when it comes to usability, deployment and payment speed. Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) 1.0 offers such features,... +more
Speaker: Adam May, Director of Product Management, Oracle

How to Improve Customer Service

How to Improve Customer Service
Sponsored: Your customers and managers have different needs, putting enormous pressure on your service department. Rich Caballero, vice president of product management at Oracle,... +more
Speaker: Rich Caballero, Vice President, Product Management, Oracle

Increasing Sales Productivity

Increasing Sales Productivity
Sponsored: In sales, lost time equals lost money. Steve Diamond, senior director of product marketing at Oracle, describes how an easy-to-use on-demand CRM solution can... +more
Speaker: Steve Diamond, Senior Director, Product Marketing, Oracle

Delivering a "Wow" Customer Experience

Delivering a "Wow" Customer Experience
Rich Caballero, Vice President, Product Management, Oracle

Sponsored: In today's environment, companies can't just compete on price and product. They must also deliver a great customer experience. Rich Caballero, vice... +more
Speaker: Rich Caballero, Vice President, Product Management, Oracle