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Monday, November 08, 2010

Sandy Bridge - keynote Intel (Computex Taipei)

Firefox Extension BlackSheep Detects And Protects You From Firesheep

Eric Butler’s Firefox browser extension Firesheep took the Internet cafe world by storm a couple weeks ago when we and others wrote about the controversial plugin that compromises your social networking connection data. While many people have come up with solutions that involve forcing sites to use HTTPS, Zscaler Security has just released a countermeasure called BlackSheep, which actually detects when Firesheep is hijacking your session.

Firesheep accesses your Facebook, Foursquare, Twitter and other logins through cookies — Blacksheep subverts this by tricking Firesheep with a fake login cookie and alerting the user when Firesheep is detected, displaying the IP address of the person using it (see below), and warning the user to log off.

BlackSheep is currently the only available solution that attempts to pit Firesheep against itself. “BlackSheep leverages much of the Firesheep code, but the twist is that rather than being used to hijack sessions, it instead detects when a session is being hijacked and alerts the user,” says BlackSheep developer Julien Sobrier.

And because BlackSheep and Firesheep use much of the same code, you can’t run them both in the same Firefox session. But why would you want to do that?

RockMelt - Your Browser. Re-Imagined.

Evernote for Android takes a huge leap forward with Version 2.0

We’re really psyched to see the tremendous growth of the Android platform. We love the capabilities available in the new OS, as well as the variety of great new hardware–phones, tablets, netbooks, and more.

But the thing that gets us the most excited is Evernote 2.0 for Android, available now from the Android Market. This is the biggest leap in functionality we’ve ever had on any platform in a single release. As always, Evernote for Android lets you take notes, snap photos, record audio, and access all of your existing Evernote data, but it now does all of those things and more better than ever before. Here’s why…

See Socialtext in action in just 5 minutes

See Socialtext in action in just 5 minutes
Product Demo

See how your organization could use Socialtext to keep people and teams synchronized, engaged and informed, and to move quickly to take advantage of new opportunities.

See Socialtext Signals in Action

See Socialtext Groups in action in just 3 minutes

See SocialCalc in action in just 3 minutes

See Socialtext Dashboard in action in just 4 minutes

Wiki Workspaces
Socialtext Workspace is an easy-to-use enterprise wiki that reduces by 1/3 the time your staff spends searching for information and people every day, and speeds up cycle times in every function across the organization.

How often do you ask yourself, “Where was it I saw that? Who sent it? When did they send it? What was the file called?” When we use e-mail and attached documents to get our work done, topics get fragmented across many places. According to IDC, employees spend up to 25% of their day looking for information. The process of getting work done involves a series of conversations – asking questions and gathering ideas and feedback. Instead of fragmenting a topic across different places, you need a single go-to place for each topic. And your conversations need to be released from the constraints of a document paradigm, so with each interaction you get the full context of the who, what and why.

Collaborate seamlessly
With Socialtext Workspace, people do their work on group-editable web pages that are visible to authorized others. With a go-to place for each topic, people can collaborate and build on each others’ ideas all in one organized place. Topics are no longer fragmented across different conversation streams and documents. Instead of writing onto a word document or drafting an e-mail, you simply write your content onto a shared web page, using simple WYSIWYG just like you do in the other applications you use on a daily basis.

When you create an e-mail, you can even have the contents of the e-mail posted to a workspace. All you have to do is include the e-mail address of the workspace in the address bar of the e-mail you’re composing. You can even create a new wiki page automatically by putting the new page name in the subject of your e-mail. This way your e-mail gets recorded in a place that is searchable, findable, linkable and persistent, where others can add their input and see each others’ contributions all in one place. This is an easy way to groom teams off of reply-all e-mail madness.

Get the power of rich context
Since Socialtext workspace pages support text, rich text, embedded images, video, and attachments, your conversations are no longer limited to a single media format. You can link to or include not only all relevant conversations from Socialtext workspaces, but also any relevant content and data from enterprise systems and the web. In addition, the Socialtext workspace pages let you see who made each contribution, so you always have the context of the people behind the content. This gives you the surround sound that context provides, for each conversation.

Socialtext 4.0 Video
See Socialtext 4.0 in action in this short demo video.
Let's take for example a presentation that today would be sent around in e-mail and stored on various desktops and shared drives. On a Socialtext workspace page, this presentation could be surrounded by text that explains when and how to use it, an embedded video that shows someone else giving it, a link to a page with speaking points, an attached .PDF customer story and explanatory text about why the customer story is effective as a leave-behind for this particular presentation, an attached NDA form with a note to help you remember to get it signed and who to give it to, links to other resources, and more. You have the full context of the who, what, when, where and why as you work with others to accomplish your goals.

Know what’s going on, always
With automated feeds and configurable alerts, you have easy ways to stay up to date. Socialtext automatically keeps track of the pages you’ve shown interest in, and keeps you apprised of changes made to those pages in an activity feed. You can also opt to be notified of changes made within any workspace you belong to, on a timeline you choose. You can specify pages you want to “watch,” and be alerted whenever their content changes. You can choose to follow colleagues, and see their activities in an activity feed. And of course, at any time you can click to a workspace view that shows recent changes.

Every user can customize their own personal home page and monitor what's most important to them at a glance using widgets and activity feeds. Another dynamic, flexible way to keep in touch is through Socialtext Desktop, which shows activity streams of the people you follow and pages you’ve edited. You can also see the microblogging streams of your colleagues on both your dashboard and Socialtext Desktop. The configurable pop-up notification that comes with Socialtext Desktop alerts you to new Signals, Socialtext’s 140-character social messages.

With these automated mechanisms, new insights and ideas spread quickly and broadly, eliminating lag time and allowing the organization to move faster and adapt quickly to change. With everyone working openly, you learn about conversations that can be valuable to doing your job more effectively, completed work that you need to do your job or can re-purpose, and people you may want to add to your social network. With knowledge sharing now a byproduct of getting work done, you automatically get what you need to inform your decisions and increase your effectiveness.


Collaborate on the go
If you are mobile, you’re likely on the front lines with customers and prospects, and you need to continue to get updates and fast answers from colleagues. Socialtext automatically detects when you are using your mobile browser and serves up an optimized mobile interface into the full collaboration platform. You get all the powerful microblogging, social networking, browsing, activity streams and notification features of Socialtext, on the go.

Work offline
When you are mobile, in some cases access from a mobile device will meet your need. But at other times you may need to do work that is more involved than can be reasonably done on a handheld device, such as update a manual. With Socialtext Workspace you can also work offline. You can download a pages while you have web access, edit them while offline, then synchronize changes back to the server when you come back online.

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Socialtext Desktop
Socialtext Desktop is a dynamic desktop application for using Socialtext. It is built on Adobe AIR technology which delivers a rich internet application that works across all desktop platforms – Windows, Macintosh and Linux.

Socialtext Desktop shows you the Signals (140-character social messages) posted by your colleagues. You can choose to see the microblogging stream for colleagues you follow, or for everyone in your company who uses Socialtext. You also use Socialtext Desktop to post your own Signals. Signals give you a great way to quickly share with a broad group.

Socialtext Desktop also shows you the activity streams for the people you follow and the pages you’ve edited. The configurable pop-up notification that comes with Socialtext Desktop alerts you to new Signals and keeps you apprised of what people are working on.

Desktop Video
See Socialtext Desktop in action in this short demo video.
You can monitor the same activity streams (page edits, blog posts, comments, profile changes, Signals) and also post Signals from Socialtext Dashboard. Socialtext Desktop simply gives you an additional dynamic way to stay informed and in touch.

Socialtext Desktop is free for Socialtext users. It requires that you are running Socialtext release 3.3 or greater, with Socialtext People enabled. If you don’t already have Socialtext up and running, you can sign up for a free 30-day free trial.

To download Socialtext Desktop, just enter your email in the box to the right.

Socialtext Desktop in Action

Socialtext Mobile
If you are mobile, you’re likely on the front lines with customers and prospects, and you need to get updates and fast answers from colleagues just like you do when in the office. Socialtext comes with a mobile interface that lets you continue to stay connected and updated while on the go.

With Socialtext Mobile, the Socialtext platform is available to you anytime, anywhere. You can stay involved in microblogging conversations, stay apprised of what’s going on via activity streams, get to the workspace content you need, access co-worker profiles, and more.

Socialtext Mobile automatically detects when you log in from a mobile phone and serves up an optimized mobile interface. It lets you continue to work in Socialtext all the powerful ways you do while in the office:

Socialtext Mobile Video
See Socialtext Mobile in action in this short demo video.
Participate in private and secure microblogging conversations via Socialtext Signals.
Stay up-to-date on what others are working on and sharing via activity streams.
Click to look up a colleague’s profile, and click to communicate with him or her.
Collaborate on content that is automatically shared with others via workspace pages.
Socialtext Mobile is platform independent, providing support for a variety of mobile devices. It currently supports Blackberry, iPhone and Android devices. Socialtext Mobile comes free as part of Socialtext.

See Socialtext Mobile in action in just 4 minutes

Socialtext Connect lets you surface critical events from enterprise applications and inject them into the Socialtext collaboration platform, where employees from across your organization collaborate and take action. People can see those events in the Socialtext application streams they monitor and, where authorized, send updates to the enterprise systems from Socialtext.

The New Social Layer
Until now, critical information, events and processes have been locked in enterprise applications and only accessible to the people who use the particular application. By integrating enterprise applications with our social software, the Socialtext collaboration platform now creates an important new technology layer in the enterprise architecture – the social layer – which spans departments, geographies and systems.

Socialtext Connect works with both on-premise and cloud-based enterprise applications such as CRM, ERP and document management systems.

It also integrates with and leverages the fast innovation taking place in web-based consumer applications such as Twitter, Facebook, and Google Buzz. Socialtext Connect adheres to established and emerging web standards, including Twitter Annotations and Google OpenSocial. Socialtext also plans to support the activitystrea.ms standard.

Three core components of Socialtext Connect
Connectors. A Connector serves as a bridge between an enterprise application and Socialtext. Connectors use Socialtext's ReST API, and can be built to connect any application to Socialtext. Connectors can be built by IT developers, system integrators, and third-party developers. Socialtext has a pre-built Connector to Microsoft SharePoint and a pre-built Connector to Salesforce.com.
A Connector can be hosted in the cloud, as a plug-in to Socialtext's hosted service or appliance, or on the enterprise application itself.

Signals Annotations. A Signals microblogging message can be enhanced with a rich presentation of metadata from the enterprise system, such as a chart, image, graph or video. These Signals Annotations enrich the value of application streams. Signals Annotations are built to the emerging Twitter Annotations standard, and will evolve with that standard.
App Bots. An App Bot is a bi-directional software agent that listens for specialized events or information from an enterprise system, a web application or Socialtext, and writes to these applications.
App Bots can be built with different levels of sophistication, including:

App Bot that provides a simple alert. For example, when the sales forecast is changed downward by a specified % in Salesforce.com, an App Bot posts a short message to a specified group microblogging channel in Socialtext. Or when a document is changed in the Sales Tools library in Microsoft SharePoint, an App Bot posts a short message on the Sales Group microblogging channel in Socialtext.
App Bot with a mashup of rich media from multiple sources. For example, when inventory falls below a certain threshold in an ERP system, an App Bot posts a short message, along with an associated Annotation with a map that overlays from the ERP system the locations of the nearest depots that have unallocated stock of the missing item, along with the stock level.
App Bot that is interactive. For example, an App Bot that monitors Twitter for messages from a particular customer, posts a short message alerting Socialtext subscribers to that Tweet, and allows the user to post a message back to Twitter.

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