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Friday, April 09, 2010

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'Zeus-like' van Rompuy kidnapping our democracy - Nigel Farage MEP

— ► European Parliament, Brussels - 07 April 2010

► Speaker: Nigel Farage MEP, UKIP, Co-President of the EFD group.

► Debate: Outcome of the March 25-26 EU Summit

President of the EU Council Herman Van Rompuy replies to MEPs' statements
► Credits:

Video: EbS - European Parliament

Intro from 'Resistance', by Muse
Ending from 'Red Army is the Strongest', by the Soviet Red Army Choir.


We're in the presence of a great man today, the president of Europe, a man who is so important he is beyond criticism, beyond reproach, he is the king of the modern political class, he is the modern day Zeus, and he intends to rule us from Mt Berlaymont and woe betide anybody that questions his authority or questions his dignity or they will face severe punishment. Indeed, in my case the last time we met and I had one or two things to say the parliament imposed the maximum possible fine, and I'm told if I say anything that upsets you the microphone will be cut off. Well, what price free speech, what price democracy?

But you've come back to us today, and now with the approval of Mr Sarkozy and Angela Merkel you're the head of a new economic government for 500 million people. And you've launched your 10-year plan, your wish list, and I just wonder, have you remembered what happened to the last 10-year plan, that was launched in 2000? It was launched in this parliament to much acclaim, it was a total and utter crippling failure even before the global recession hit. And in fact, all centralised EU plans fail: just look at the disasterous, ruinous Common Fisheries Policy. And now, your beloved euro has failed. It's failed politically at its first major hurdle, you weren't able to come up with a plan at that summit, you can't bail out Greece without the International Monetary Fund coming in to save, at least for the moment, your euro dream. And yet, Mr van Rompuy, your plans seems to be 'we're losing, we're failing, let's have more of the same, let's have more Europe, let's have more failure'.

But what really matters is the loss of democracy here. You have not been elected. You are not accountable, there is no mechanism for the peoples of Europe to remove you. It was Zeus of course that kidnapped Europa, my fear is you are kidnapping our democracy. You are only here because that Lisbon Treaty went through, without the British people being given the referendum that they were promised, and as far as we are concerned, this is unfinished business. People fought and died so that we could be an independent, self-governing, democratic nation that was able to hire and fire its leaders, and no-one that believes in democracy will accept the post of President of the European Union. Thank you.

► Nicolas Sarkozy, President in Office of the European Council (Jul-Dec 2008) visits the European Parliament (Strasbourg) on 10 July 2008. He is taken on by Nigel Farage MEP, UKIP leader and Co-President of the Independence/Democracy (IND/DEM) group.

- Hemicycle scenes: Audio Visual, European Parliament
- Music: Cornerstone - From "El Morro": Undefeated, Rebirth; From "Air Lyndhurt": Illuminati; Mystic Baltic

Note on the rejected EU Constitution and Lisbon Treaty:

The people of France and the Netherlands rejected the proposed EU constitution in the 2005 referendums. Since all 27 Member States are required to ratify, the Constitution was dead, but this took a long time to sink in. After this, other countries cancelled a promised referendum and the EU Constitution was re-written as an "amending treaty" or a "reform treaty" and named "Treaty of Lisbon".

On the basis of this deceit, they claimed that no referendums are necessary on the Lisbon Treaty. Ireland was constitutionally required to hold a referendum and on the 12 June 2008 the people of Ireland gave a resounding No to Lisbon. Yet this vote is not being respected and the rule of law is being ignored. The EU leaders agreed at the June 19-20 EU Summit that ratifications must go on. Moreover, 26 Member States are being denied a referendum.

The Lisbon Treaty establishes a new "European Union" with joint citizenship - an EU "federal" State that is technically and politically empowered to centralize more power in Brussels. The treaty also stipulates the militarisation of the Union in order to 'police the world' just like the US does today.

To view the Political Groups in the European Parliament go to: http://www.europarl.europa.eu/members...

Why do the German Politicians have an unstoppable desire to unite Europe?
Nigel Farage the leader of UKIP confronts Angela Merkel with some home truths during the German Presidency of the E.U.

► European Parliament, Strasbourg;
16 December 2008

Nigel Farage raises the issue of the verbal attacks on Czech President Vaclav Klaus on 5 December 2008 at the Prague meeting with the European Parliament's "Conference of Presidents".

For excerpts from the transcript please go to this link (pdf): http://www.maltafly.com/archive/image...

On Klaus' website, in Czech: http://www.klaus.cz/klaus2/asp/clanek...

Appearances on this video:
(following sequence of actual debate)
- Inititial short shots of the Presidents of the EPP, PES, ALDE, Greens, UEN, GUE, respectively: Joseph Daul, Martin Schulz, Graham Watson, Daniel Cohn-Bendit, Cristiana Muscardini, Francis Wurtz.
- Nigel Farage (IND/DEM)
- Hans-Gert Pottering (President of the European Parliament)
- Martin Schulz (PES)
- Hans-Gert Pottering
- Nicolas Sarkozy (French President holding EU Council presidency)
- Jose Manuel Barroso (President of the EU Commission)
- Hans-Gert Pottering
- Rodi Kratsa-Tsagaropoulou (acting Chair)
- Nigel Farage
- Rodi Kratsa-Tsagaropoulou
- Martin Schulz
- Nigel Farage

NOTE: Translations into English are based on live EP interpretation

Video - European Parliament Audio Visual Library
Muscic - Orbital - P.E.T.R.O.L.(intro); Corner Stone Cues - Parallel World, Undefeated, Betrayal, The Hidden; The Dust Brothers - What is fight club; (end bit:) Carrie Haber - Me Oh My

Gordon Brown meets the real opposition when he visits Strasbourg.
For those of you who have asked, Nigel spoke a few moments before Daniel Hannan lambasted Gordon Brown.

This is the transcript:

Mr President, the Prime Minister has received some criticism this afternoon for his comment British jobs for British workers, but you can brush that aside, because from the moment he said it I do not think anybody seriously thought that he would ever, as a British Prime Minister, put the interests of British workers above that of his European dream. My goodness me, you showed that this afternoon, Prime Minister.
It is just a pity that, apart from UKIP, virtually nobody seems to have bothered to turn up to listen to you. You are very popular here. You are very popular indeed because within a few days of the Irish saying no to the Lisbon Treaty, you had rammed that Treaty through the British Parliament, breaking a specific manifesto pledge that you would give the British people a referendum on the Constitutional Treaty.
Shame on you, Prime Minister, for doing that. You have devalued democracy in our country; you have devalued the trust that voters put in you as a British Prime Minister. Of course, we know the reason why. The reason why is that we would have voted no. You said in your speech that none but those on the extremes oppose European Union. Well, that may be right amongst professional career politicians, but a clear majority of the British people want us to have friendship and free trade with the European Union, but do not want to be members of this political Union.
You cannot continue to build this European Union against public opinion. If you do it against the will of the people, you are storing up enormous social and political problems for the future. Please let the peoples of Europe decide their destiny. Do not have it done in parliaments like this and parliaments like Westminster. It will not work!
As far as the economy is concerned, you have told us that somehow you are the economic guru; you are the man who can save the world. Well, I remember very well your first big act as Chancellor when you sold 400 metric tonnes of gold on the worlds exchanges at USD 275 an ounce. At todays valuation, that would be USD 10 billion higher. It was not just the fact that you got it wrong, because we can all get it wrong. It was the fact that you announced in advance how much you were going to sell and on what day you were going to sell it. It was an error so basic that the average A-level economics student even in these educationally devalued times would not have done this. To add to that, you have destroyed our private pension system, and you took away from the Bank of England its ability to regulate the banks and gave it to the tick-box bureaucrats of the FSA in Canary Wharf.
We have not heard an apology. Your Government has apologised for the Amritsar massacre; you have apologised for slavery; you have apologised for virtually everything. Will you please apologise for what you did as British Chancellor, and then perhaps we might just listen to you?

European Parliament, Strasbourg - 6 May 2009.

It is the last plenary session before the European elections, 4-7 June 2009, and UKIP leader Nigel Farage MEP gives another lesson in Democracy. The parliament's president, Hans-Gert Pöttering reacts by pointing out that the fact Mr Farage "can give such a speech shows that this is a free and democratic European Parliament."

Kudos to Hans-Gert for having reached thus far in his understanding of democracy, but he needs more lessons.

At the end of the 6 month British presidency of the EU, Tony Blair is confronted by Nigel Farage, the leader of UKIP for his lack of results and the selling out of British interests in the name of the New Labour project. Visit us at www.ukip.org or the unofficial media channel at www.ukip.tv
If you want to see how the EU controls your life go to www.noremotecontrol.org

Conservative MEP for south-east England Dan Hannan explains what's wrong with the European Union.

Best of Paxman

A collection of some of Jeremy Paxman's best moments. This video was created by the BBC and permission has been received for public distribution.

The EU-Parliament and its function within the European Union, explained as easy as possible under consideration of the changes caused by the Treaty of Lisbon, which is in force yet.