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Tuesday, February 15, 2011
hTC Flyer 玩觸控書寫 結合雲端遊戲免下載
The Flyer, HTC’s first Android tablet, was just announced yesterday, sans price and release date as usual. But the German Amazon seems to have gotten wind of at least the pricing in that country: €669, for a 3G version. That translates to over $900 in the US raw, but minus VAT (~€130) it’s around $730 — a bit much for a 7-inch tablet that won’t ship with Honeycomb (though it will get an upgrade). Could they even put it at $699?
Comparisons to the Galaxy Tab are unfair, I think, but neither will sell many at that price. The iPad has set the bar nice and low at $500, and even if the improved specs of the new wave of tablets necessitate a higher price, I’m not sure the average consumer is going to see the benefit. This pricing may not even be official or international, though — so take the amount with a grain of salt and we’ll wait until we hear something more substantial.
傳聞多時的宏達電首款平板電腦hTC Flyer,昨天終於在西班牙巴塞隆納全球行動通訊大會(Mobile World Congress,MWC)亮相。Flyer採用Android系統,7吋螢幕可多點觸控,還可用觸控筆輔助。Flyer將於第2季在全球銷售,台灣最慢第3季可上市,目前還未公布售價。
宏達電首款平板電腦hTC Flyer,搭載單核心1.5GHz處理器、1GB記憶體,內建儲存容量32GB,可用micro SD卡擴充。作業系統以Android 2.4搭配專為平板電腦設計的hTC Sense。
未如預期搭載Android 3.0遭網友批評,原因據說是hTC從Google取得最新程式碼後,已來不及配合Sense修改,只好退一步採用2.4版本。
hTC 早已註冊的Scribe名稱,先前一直被認為是首款平板電腦的名字,昨天外界才得知這是全新的觸控書寫技術,螢幕加入壓力感應並結合數位墨水科技,讓使用者可用更自然的書寫方式,在螢幕上做筆記、畫圖,號稱是「突破性的書寫體驗」。其中的Timemark功能可將會議錄音與使用者的筆記結合,點選筆記上某個字,就能開始播放錄音。
新推出的影音下載服務hTC Watch,號稱可讓使用者用低價下載高解析度主流電影。Flyer也號稱是第一個結合OnLive雲端遊戲的行動裝置,對於一些硬體需求較高的遊戲,不必下載就能在線上玩,絕不讓使用者無聊。
hTC Flyer將於第2季在全球銷售,台灣方面快則5、6月,慢則第3季可上市,一般預料,應該會與中華電合作;此外,宏達電6月將再發表2款Android 3.0平板電腦,今年出貨量可挑戰150萬台,貢獻300億元營收。
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