JunkWasteTrash from John Reis on Vimeo.
JunkWasteTrash from John Reis on Vimeo.
Deborah Nall of J. Walter Thompson (JWT), the advertising powerhouse famous for stating that “We create ideas for our clients that people want to spend time with,” brought the above video to our attention.
She writes, “The green group at JWT, known as JunkWasteTrash, put together a video about utilizing both sides of a piece of paper when we switched to duplex printing.” And the memo that went along with it went something like this:
Just like the song says, you “don’t gotta do nothing.” From here on out, your computer will automatically default to double-sided printing (aka duplex printing). If yours don’t work, call IT (x7157) tomorrow.
Why all the fuss? After a year, our carbon footprint will have shrunk by 24 tons of greenhouse gases, 80 thousand gallons of waste water, 4.2 tons of landfill waste and almost 4 tons of paper. Yee haw!
Way to go, JWT. Thanks for doubling up!
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